JORNADAS DE REFLEXÃO - Cultura(s) Alicerçada(s)
produção do teatromosca
organização de Pedro Alves
2 a 4 de março 2021, das 14h às 19h
2nd, 3rd and 4th of March / 2, 3 et 4 mars
produção do teatromosca
organização de Pedro Alves
2 a 4 de março 2021, das 14h às 19h
2nd, 3rd and 4th of March / 2, 3 et 4 mars
Texto de apresentação
Um painel de oradores convidados nacionais e internacionais dedicou-se a debater uma temática por dia nestes encontros que decorram nos dias 2, 3 e 4 de março de 2021, altura do segundo confinamento, devido ao Covid-19, em Portugal. De cada encontro resultará um documento – redigidos por um painel de relatores ligados a centros de investigação de universidades portuguesas - que dará tanto conta da pluralidade de questões e reflexões, como apresentará propostas de soluções e linhas vetoriais que poderão orientar o estabelecimento de políticas públicas e a implementação de práticas sustentáveis. As Jornadas decorreram online, na plataforma Zoom e foram transmitidas em sinal aberto no Facebook do teatromosca.
2 março > O Valor da(s) Cultura(s). Gravação da sessão aqui
3 março > Espaços Culturais, Redes e Públicos. Gravação da sessão aqui e aqui
4 março > Investimento(s) na Cultura e Condições Laborais. Gravação da sessão aqui
A panel of national and international speakers will dedicate themselves to debating one theme per day in these Online Talks that take place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March, always between 2pm and 7pm (GMT time). From each meeting will result a document - written by a panel of rapporteurs linked to research centers from Portuguese universities - that will address both the plurality of questions and reflections, as well as presenting proposals for solutions and vector lines that may guide the establishment of public policies and the implementation of sustainable practices. The Online Talks will be on Zoom (for a limited number of participants) and will be broadcast on an open signal on teatromosca's Facebook.
March 2 > The Real Value Assigned to Culture(s). Recording of the session Here
March 3 > Cultural Venues, Networks and Audiences. Recording of the session Here and here
March 4 > Investment(s) in Culture and Working Conditions. Recording of the session Here
Un panel d'intervenants nationaux et internationaux se consacrera à débattre d'un thème par jour dans ces discussions en ligne qui se dérouleront les 2, 3 et 4 mars, toujours entre 14h et 19h (heure GMT). Chaque réunion produira un document - rédigé par un panel de rapporteurs lié aux centres de recherche des universités portugaises - qui abordera à la fois la pluralité des questions et des réflexions, ainsi que des propositions de solutions et de lignes vectorielles qui pouvant guider l'élaboration des politiques publiques et la mise en œuvre de pratiques durables. Les discussions en ligne seront sur Zoom (pour un nombre limité de participants) et seront diffusées sur un signal ouvert sur Facebook du teatromosca.
2 mars > La Vraie Valeur Attribuée à la (ou aux) Culture (s). Enregistrement vidéo ici
3 mars > Lieux Culturels, Réseaux et Publics. Enregistrement vidéo ici et ici
4 mars > Investissement (s) dans la Culture et les Conditions de Travail. Enregistrement video ici
Um painel de oradores convidados nacionais e internacionais dedicou-se a debater uma temática por dia nestes encontros que decorram nos dias 2, 3 e 4 de março de 2021, altura do segundo confinamento, devido ao Covid-19, em Portugal. De cada encontro resultará um documento – redigidos por um painel de relatores ligados a centros de investigação de universidades portuguesas - que dará tanto conta da pluralidade de questões e reflexões, como apresentará propostas de soluções e linhas vetoriais que poderão orientar o estabelecimento de políticas públicas e a implementação de práticas sustentáveis. As Jornadas decorreram online, na plataforma Zoom e foram transmitidas em sinal aberto no Facebook do teatromosca.
2 março > O Valor da(s) Cultura(s). Gravação da sessão aqui
3 março > Espaços Culturais, Redes e Públicos. Gravação da sessão aqui e aqui
4 março > Investimento(s) na Cultura e Condições Laborais. Gravação da sessão aqui
A panel of national and international speakers will dedicate themselves to debating one theme per day in these Online Talks that take place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March, always between 2pm and 7pm (GMT time). From each meeting will result a document - written by a panel of rapporteurs linked to research centers from Portuguese universities - that will address both the plurality of questions and reflections, as well as presenting proposals for solutions and vector lines that may guide the establishment of public policies and the implementation of sustainable practices. The Online Talks will be on Zoom (for a limited number of participants) and will be broadcast on an open signal on teatromosca's Facebook.
March 2 > The Real Value Assigned to Culture(s). Recording of the session Here
March 3 > Cultural Venues, Networks and Audiences. Recording of the session Here and here
March 4 > Investment(s) in Culture and Working Conditions. Recording of the session Here
Un panel d'intervenants nationaux et internationaux se consacrera à débattre d'un thème par jour dans ces discussions en ligne qui se dérouleront les 2, 3 et 4 mars, toujours entre 14h et 19h (heure GMT). Chaque réunion produira un document - rédigé par un panel de rapporteurs lié aux centres de recherche des universités portugaises - qui abordera à la fois la pluralité des questions et des réflexions, ainsi que des propositions de solutions et de lignes vectorielles qui pouvant guider l'élaboration des politiques publiques et la mise en œuvre de pratiques durables. Les discussions en ligne seront sur Zoom (pour un nombre limité de participants) et seront diffusées sur un signal ouvert sur Facebook du teatromosca.
2 mars > La Vraie Valeur Attribuée à la (ou aux) Culture (s). Enregistrement vidéo ici
3 mars > Lieux Culturels, Réseaux et Publics. Enregistrement vidéo ici et ici
4 mars > Investissement (s) dans la Culture et les Conditions de Travail. Enregistrement video ici
14h - Pedro Alves (Organização das JORNADAS) - Acolhimento dos participantes e declaração de intenções
14.10h - 15h - Comunicações de Graça Fonseca (Ministra da Cultura), Basílio Horta (Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Sintra), Carlos La Rosa (Presidente do Iberscena e Diretor das Artes do Peru), François Colbert (Professor especialista em Marketing das Artes e da Cultura) e Xavier Greffe (Professor de Economia das Artes), com moderação de Bruno Schiappa (Investigador do Centro de Estudos de Teatro da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa - CET FLUL)
15h - 16.30h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
16.30h - 17.30h - Comunicações de Deolinda de Vilhena (Professora e Investigadora em Produção Teatral), Françoise Benhamou (Professora, Escritora e Economista, especialista em Economia da Cultura), Anabela Mendes (Professora e Investigadora Teatral), Michel Simonot (Escritor, Encenador e Sociólogo), Paula Garcia (Gestora Cultural, Programadora e Coordenadora da Equipa de Missão da candidatura de Évora a Capital Europeia da Cultura 2027), com moderação de Bruno Schiappa (CET FLUL)
17.30h - 19h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público
A relação do documento deste dia estará a cargo de Marta Rosa (Investigadora do CET FLUL).
14h - Pedro Alves (Organização das JORNADAS) - Acolhimento dos participantes e declaração de intenções
14.10h - 15h - Comunicações de Joana Gomes Cardoso (Presidente da EGEAC), Dipti Rao (Diretora do Art X Company e Arts Culture Resources na Índia), Jesse James (Programador do Festival Walk & Talk), Nuno Cardoso (Diretor do Teatro Nacional S. João), Patrice Douchet (Encenador e Diretor Artístico do Théâtre de la Tête Noire) e Pedro Granato (Encenador, Dramaturgo, Professor de Teatro e Diretor teatro Pequeno Ato de São Paulo), com moderação de Fernando Matos de Oliveira (Professor Associado na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra - FLUC - e Diretor Artístico do Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente - TAGV)
15h - 16.30h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
16.30h - 17.30h - Comunicações de Nuno Leão (Artistas de teatro e codiretor da companhia de teatro Terceira Pessoa), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Professor e Investigador Integrado da Dinamia/CET), Alberto García (Coreógrafo e Programador do Teatro Pradillo), João Carneiro (Crítico de Teatro), Maria de Assis (Presidente da Comissão Científica do Plano Nacional das Artes), com moderação de Fernando Matos de Oliveira (FLUC e TAGV)
17.30h - 19h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
A relação do documento deste dia estará a cargo do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX (Ceis20) da Universidade de Coimbra.
14h - Pedro Alves (Organização das JORNADAS) - Acolhimento dos participantes e declaração de intenções
14.10h - 15h - Comunicações de Sara Machado (Responsável do Subprograma Cultura do Europa Criativa), Anthony Fung (Professor da Universidade Chinesa de Hong-Kong), Paulo Pereira da Silva (Presidente da Renova) A CONFIRMAR, Vânia Rodrigues (Gestora Cultural e Investigadora), Ingrid Soares (Secretária Adjunta da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo), Hugo Ferreira (Fundador da Omnichord Records), com moderação de Vera Borges (Professora e Investigadora Integrada do CIES-Iscte)
15h - 16.30h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
16.30h - 17.30h - Comunicações de Inês Maia (Produtora), Levi Martins (Produtor e Codiretor Artístico da companhia de teatro Mascarenhas-Martins), Daniel Cardoso (Coreógrafo e Diretor Artístico da companhia de dança Quorum Ballet), Ana Ventura Miranda (Produtora, Programadora Cultural e Diretora do Arte Institute) e Samuel Churin (Ator, Encenador e Membro da Comissão de Intermitentes e Precários - França), com moderação de Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte)
17.30h - 19h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
A relação do documento deste dia estará a cargo de Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte).
14h - Pedro Alves (Organização das JORNADAS) - Acolhimento dos participantes e declaração de intenções
14.10h - 15h - Comunicações de Graça Fonseca (Ministra da Cultura), Basílio Horta (Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Sintra), Carlos La Rosa (Presidente do Iberscena e Diretor das Artes do Peru), François Colbert (Professor especialista em Marketing das Artes e da Cultura) e Xavier Greffe (Professor de Economia das Artes), com moderação de Bruno Schiappa (Investigador do Centro de Estudos de Teatro da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa - CET FLUL)
15h - 16.30h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
16.30h - 17.30h - Comunicações de Deolinda de Vilhena (Professora e Investigadora em Produção Teatral), Françoise Benhamou (Professora, Escritora e Economista, especialista em Economia da Cultura), Anabela Mendes (Professora e Investigadora Teatral), Michel Simonot (Escritor, Encenador e Sociólogo), Paula Garcia (Gestora Cultural, Programadora e Coordenadora da Equipa de Missão da candidatura de Évora a Capital Europeia da Cultura 2027), com moderação de Bruno Schiappa (CET FLUL)
17.30h - 19h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público
A relação do documento deste dia estará a cargo de Marta Rosa (Investigadora do CET FLUL).
14h - Pedro Alves (Organização das JORNADAS) - Acolhimento dos participantes e declaração de intenções
14.10h - 15h - Comunicações de Joana Gomes Cardoso (Presidente da EGEAC), Dipti Rao (Diretora do Art X Company e Arts Culture Resources na Índia), Jesse James (Programador do Festival Walk & Talk), Nuno Cardoso (Diretor do Teatro Nacional S. João), Patrice Douchet (Encenador e Diretor Artístico do Théâtre de la Tête Noire) e Pedro Granato (Encenador, Dramaturgo, Professor de Teatro e Diretor teatro Pequeno Ato de São Paulo), com moderação de Fernando Matos de Oliveira (Professor Associado na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra - FLUC - e Diretor Artístico do Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente - TAGV)
15h - 16.30h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
16.30h - 17.30h - Comunicações de Nuno Leão (Artistas de teatro e codiretor da companhia de teatro Terceira Pessoa), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Professor e Investigador Integrado da Dinamia/CET), Alberto García (Coreógrafo e Programador do Teatro Pradillo), João Carneiro (Crítico de Teatro), Maria de Assis (Presidente da Comissão Científica do Plano Nacional das Artes), com moderação de Fernando Matos de Oliveira (FLUC e TAGV)
17.30h - 19h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
A relação do documento deste dia estará a cargo do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX (Ceis20) da Universidade de Coimbra.
14h - Pedro Alves (Organização das JORNADAS) - Acolhimento dos participantes e declaração de intenções
14.10h - 15h - Comunicações de Sara Machado (Responsável do Subprograma Cultura do Europa Criativa), Anthony Fung (Professor da Universidade Chinesa de Hong-Kong), Paulo Pereira da Silva (Presidente da Renova) A CONFIRMAR, Vânia Rodrigues (Gestora Cultural e Investigadora), Ingrid Soares (Secretária Adjunta da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo), Hugo Ferreira (Fundador da Omnichord Records), com moderação de Vera Borges (Professora e Investigadora Integrada do CIES-Iscte)
15h - 16.30h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
16.30h - 17.30h - Comunicações de Inês Maia (Produtora), Levi Martins (Produtor e Codiretor Artístico da companhia de teatro Mascarenhas-Martins), Daniel Cardoso (Coreógrafo e Diretor Artístico da companhia de dança Quorum Ballet), Ana Ventura Miranda (Produtora, Programadora Cultural e Diretora do Arte Institute) e Samuel Churin (Ator, Encenador e Membro da Comissão de Intermitentes e Precários - França), com moderação de Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte)
17.30h - 19h - Debate entre todos os oradores e Q&A com contributos do público.
A relação do documento deste dia estará a cargo de Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte).
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2 MARCH (GMT time)
2pm - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Graça Fonseca (Minister of Culture), Basílio Horta (Mayor of Sintra), Carlos La Rosa (President of Iberscena and Director of Arts in Peru), François Colbert (Professor in Arts Marketing and Culture) and Xavier Greffe (Professor of Economics of the Arts), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (Researcher at the Center for Theater Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon - CET FLUL)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Deolinda de Vilhena (Professor and Researcher in Theatrical Production), Françoise Benhamou (Professor, Writer and Economist, specialist in Economy of Culture), Anabela Mendes (Professor and Theatre Researcher), Michel Simonot (Writer, Director and Sociologist), Paula Garcia (Cultural Manager, Programmer and Coordinator of the Mission Team of the Évora candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2027), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (CET FLUL)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public
The rapporteur of the document will be Marta Rosa (Researcher at CET FLUL).
3 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Joana Gomes Cardoso (President of EGEAC), Dipti Rao (Director of Art X Company and Arts Culture Resources in India), Jesse James (Programmer of Walk & Talk Festival), Nuno Cardoso (Director of National Theatre São João), Patrice Douchet (Director and Artistic Director of Théâtre de la Tête Noire) and Pedro Granato (Director, Playwright, Theatre Teacher and Artistic Director of Pequeno Ato from São Paulo), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra - FLUC - and Artistic Director of the Academic Theatre Gil Vicente - TAGV)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Nuno Leão (Theatre artist and co-director of the theater company Terceira Pessoa), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Professor and Integrated Researcher at Dinamia / CET), Alberto García (Choreographer and Programmer at Teatro Pradillo - Madrid), João Carneiro (Theatre Critic), Maria de Assis (President of the Scientific Committee of the National Plan for the Arts), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (FLUC and TAGV)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (Ceis20) of the University of Coimbra.
4 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Sara Machado (Responsible for the Creative Europe Culture Subprogram), Anthony Fung (Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong), Paulo Pereira da Silva (President of Renova) TO BE CONFIRMED, Vânia Rodrigues (Cultural Manager and Researcher), Ingrid Soares (Assistant Secretary of the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo), Hugo Ferreira (Founder of Omnichord Records), moderated by Vera Borges (Professor and Integrated Researcher at CIES-Iscte)
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Inês Maia (Producer), Levi Martins (Producer and Artistic Co-Director of the theatre company Mascarenhas-Martins), Daniel Cardoso (Choreographer and Artistic Director of the dance company Quorum Ballet), Ana Ventura Miranda (Producer, Cultural Programmer and Director of the Arte Institute) and Samuel Churin (Actor, Director and Member of the Intermittent and Precarious Commission - France), moderated by Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte).
2 MARCH (GMT time)
2pm - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Graça Fonseca (Minister of Culture), Basílio Horta (Mayor of Sintra), Carlos La Rosa (President of Iberscena and Director of Arts in Peru), François Colbert (Professor in Arts Marketing and Culture) and Xavier Greffe (Professor of Economics of the Arts), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (Researcher at the Center for Theater Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon - CET FLUL)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Deolinda de Vilhena (Professor and Researcher in Theatrical Production), Françoise Benhamou (Professor, Writer and Economist, specialist in Economy of Culture), Anabela Mendes (Professor and Theatre Researcher), Michel Simonot (Writer, Director and Sociologist), Paula Garcia (Cultural Manager, Programmer and Coordinator of the Mission Team of the Évora candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2027), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (CET FLUL)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public
The rapporteur of the document will be Marta Rosa (Researcher at CET FLUL).
3 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Joana Gomes Cardoso (President of EGEAC), Dipti Rao (Director of Art X Company and Arts Culture Resources in India), Jesse James (Programmer of Walk & Talk Festival), Nuno Cardoso (Director of National Theatre São João), Patrice Douchet (Director and Artistic Director of Théâtre de la Tête Noire) and Pedro Granato (Director, Playwright, Theatre Teacher and Artistic Director of Pequeno Ato from São Paulo), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra - FLUC - and Artistic Director of the Academic Theatre Gil Vicente - TAGV)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Nuno Leão (Theatre artist and co-director of the theater company Terceira Pessoa), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Professor and Integrated Researcher at Dinamia / CET), Alberto García (Choreographer and Programmer at Teatro Pradillo - Madrid), João Carneiro (Theatre Critic), Maria de Assis (President of the Scientific Committee of the National Plan for the Arts), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (FLUC and TAGV)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (Ceis20) of the University of Coimbra.
4 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Sara Machado (Responsible for the Creative Europe Culture Subprogram), Anthony Fung (Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong), Paulo Pereira da Silva (President of Renova) TO BE CONFIRMED, Vânia Rodrigues (Cultural Manager and Researcher), Ingrid Soares (Assistant Secretary of the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo), Hugo Ferreira (Founder of Omnichord Records), moderated by Vera Borges (Professor and Integrated Researcher at CIES-Iscte)
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Inês Maia (Producer), Levi Martins (Producer and Artistic Co-Director of the theatre company Mascarenhas-Martins), Daniel Cardoso (Choreographer and Artistic Director of the dance company Quorum Ballet), Ana Ventura Miranda (Producer, Cultural Programmer and Director of the Arte Institute) and Samuel Churin (Actor, Director and Member of the Intermittent and Precarious Commission - France), moderated by Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte).
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2 MARCH (GMT time)
2pm - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Graça Fonseca (Minister of Culture), Basílio Horta (Mayor of Sintra), Carlos La Rosa (President of Iberscena and Director of Arts in Peru), François Colbert (Professor in Arts Marketing and Culture) and Xavier Greffe (Professor of Economics of the Arts), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (Researcher at the Center for Theater Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon - CET FLUL)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Deolinda de Vilhena (Professor and Researcher in Theatrical Production), Françoise Benhamou (Professor, Writer and Economist, specialist in Economy of Culture), Anabela Mendes (Professor and Theatre Researcher), Michel Simonot (Writer, Director and Sociologist), Paula Garcia (Cultural Manager, Programmer and Coordinator of the Mission Team of the Évora candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2027), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (CET FLUL)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public
The rapporteur of the document will be Marta Rosa (Researcher at CET FLUL).
3 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Joana Gomes Cardoso (President of EGEAC), Dipti Rao (Director of Art X Company and Arts Culture Resources in India), Jesse James (Programmer of Walk & Talk Festival), Nuno Cardoso (Director of National Theatre São João), Patrice Douchet (Director and Artistic Director of Théâtre de la Tête Noire) and Pedro Granato (Director, Playwright, Theatre Teacher and Artistic Director of Pequeno Ato from São Paulo), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra - FLUC - and Artistic Director of the Academic Theatre Gil Vicente - TAGV)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Nuno Leão (Theatre artist and co-director of the theater company Terceira Pessoa), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Professor and Integrated Researcher at Dinamia / CET), Alberto García (Choreographer and Programmer at Teatro Pradillo - Madrid), João Carneiro (Theatre Critic), Maria de Assis (President of the Scientific Committee of the National Plan for the Arts), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (FLUC and TAGV)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (Ceis20) of the University of Coimbra.
4 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Sara Machado (Responsible for the Creative Europe Culture Subprogram), Anthony Fung (Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong), Paulo Pereira da Silva (President of Renova) TO BE CONFIRMED, Vânia Rodrigues (Cultural Manager and Researcher), Ingrid Soares (Assistant Secretary of the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo), Hugo Ferreira (Founder of Omnichord Records), moderated by Vera Borges (Professor and Integrated Researcher at CIES-Iscte)
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Inês Maia (Producer), Levi Martins (Producer and Artistic Co-Director of the theatre company Mascarenhas-Martins), Daniel Cardoso (Choreographer and Artistic Director of the dance company Quorum Ballet), Ana Ventura Miranda (Producer, Cultural Programmer and Director of the Arte Institute) and Samuel Churin (Actor, Director and Member of the Intermittent and Precarious Commission - France), moderated by Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte).
2 MARCH (GMT time)
2pm - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Graça Fonseca (Minister of Culture), Basílio Horta (Mayor of Sintra), Carlos La Rosa (President of Iberscena and Director of Arts in Peru), François Colbert (Professor in Arts Marketing and Culture) and Xavier Greffe (Professor of Economics of the Arts), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (Researcher at the Center for Theater Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon - CET FLUL)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Deolinda de Vilhena (Professor and Researcher in Theatrical Production), Françoise Benhamou (Professor, Writer and Economist, specialist in Economy of Culture), Anabela Mendes (Professor and Theatre Researcher), Michel Simonot (Writer, Director and Sociologist), Paula Garcia (Cultural Manager, Programmer and Coordinator of the Mission Team of the Évora candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2027), moderated by Bruno Schiappa (CET FLUL)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public
The rapporteur of the document will be Marta Rosa (Researcher at CET FLUL).
3 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Joana Gomes Cardoso (President of EGEAC), Dipti Rao (Director of Art X Company and Arts Culture Resources in India), Jesse James (Programmer of Walk & Talk Festival), Nuno Cardoso (Director of National Theatre São João), Patrice Douchet (Director and Artistic Director of Théâtre de la Tête Noire) and Pedro Granato (Director, Playwright, Theatre Teacher and Artistic Director of Pequeno Ato from São Paulo), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra - FLUC - and Artistic Director of the Academic Theatre Gil Vicente - TAGV)
3 pm - 4.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Nuno Leão (Theatre artist and co-director of the theater company Terceira Pessoa), Paulo Tormenta Pinto (Professor and Integrated Researcher at Dinamia / CET), Alberto García (Choreographer and Programmer at Teatro Pradillo - Madrid), João Carneiro (Theatre Critic), Maria de Assis (President of the Scientific Committee of the National Plan for the Arts), moderated by Fernando Matos de Oliveira (FLUC and TAGV)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (Ceis20) of the University of Coimbra.
4 MARCH (GMT time)
14h - Pedro Alves (Organization of the TALKS) - Reception of participants and declaration of intent
2.10 pm - 3 pm - Communications by Sara Machado (Responsible for the Creative Europe Culture Subprogram), Anthony Fung (Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong), Paulo Pereira da Silva (President of Renova) TO BE CONFIRMED, Vânia Rodrigues (Cultural Manager and Researcher), Ingrid Soares (Assistant Secretary of the Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo), Hugo Ferreira (Founder of Omnichord Records), moderated by Vera Borges (Professor and Integrated Researcher at CIES-Iscte)
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm - Communications by Inês Maia (Producer), Levi Martins (Producer and Artistic Co-Director of the theatre company Mascarenhas-Martins), Daniel Cardoso (Choreographer and Artistic Director of the dance company Quorum Ballet), Ana Ventura Miranda (Producer, Cultural Programmer and Director of the Arte Institute) and Samuel Churin (Actor, Director and Member of the Intermittent and Precarious Commission - France), moderated by Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte)
5.30 pm - 7 pm - Debate between all speakers and Q&A with contributions from the public.
The rapporteur of the document will be Vera Borges (CIES-Iscte).
PROGRAMME COMPLET - version française | |
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