"arde sem se ver"
Encenação e dramaturgia de João Miguel Rodrigues
Estreou em 2004
no Auditório Municipal António Silva
"arde sem se ver"
Encenação e dramaturgia de João Miguel Rodrigues
Estreou em 2004
no Auditório Municipal António Silva
A problemática do amor é um dos mais prolíferos temas que, ainda hoje, é exaltado nas mais variadas formas. Para a escolha deste tema contribuiu o que julgamos ser a afinidade natural que mantém com a experiência de vida do adolescente. Em simultâneo, percorre transversalmente os programas escolares do ensino secundário, a cujo o universo se destina este espetáculo. Nele são encenados e interpretados poemas de autores constantes nos programas curriculares. O propósito destas sessões de poesia é suscitar no público juvenil, o valor e interesse pela literatura como representação simbólica da sua vivência.
Inspirado na novela "Primeiro Amor" de Ivan Turgenev, e intercalado com poemas de vários autores portugueses, o espetáculo evoca a irrupção brutal e inocente do primeiro amor.
Espetáculo apresentado no Auditório Municipal António Silva (Sintra) e Auditório Municipal Fernando Pessa (Lisboa). Foi reposto no Teatro Taborda, em Novembro de 2004.
Inspirado na novela "Primeiro Amor" de Ivan Turgenev, e intercalado com poemas de vários autores portugueses, o espetáculo evoca a irrupção brutal e inocente do primeiro amor.
Espetáculo apresentado no Auditório Municipal António Silva (Sintra) e Auditório Municipal Fernando Pessa (Lisboa). Foi reposto no Teatro Taborda, em Novembro de 2004.
Encenação e dramaturgia João Miguel Rodrigues | Interpretação Pedro Alves, Pedro Mendes e Rute Lizardo | Sonoplastia Carlos Arroja | Fotografia António Rodrigues | Grafismo Heitor Rodrigues e João Miguel Rodrigues | Operação de som e de luz Paulo Cunha | Produção teatromosca | Apoio Câmara Municipal de Sintra
“arde sem se ver”
Directed and dramaturgy by João Miguel Rodrigues
Premiered in 2004 at Auditório Municipal António Silva
The issue of love is one of the most prolific themes that, even today, is exalted in various forms. The choice of this theme was influenced by what we believe to be the natural affinity it maintains with the adolescent life experience.
At the same time, it runs through the secondary school curriculum, to which this performance is intended. Poems by authors included in the curricular programs are staged and performed. The purpose of these poetry sessions is to awaken in young audiences the value and interest in literature as a symbolic representation of their experiences.
Inspired by Ivan Turgenev's novel “First Love” and interspersed with poems by various Portuguese authors, the performance evokes the brutal and innocent eruption of first love.
The performance was presented at the Auditório Municipal António Silva (Sintra) and Auditório Municipal Fernando Pessa (Lisbon). It was later staged again at the Teatro Taborda in November 2004.
Directed and dramaturgy by João Miguel Rodrigues | Cast Pedro Alves, Pedro Mendes and Rute Lizardo | Sound design Carlos Arroja | Photography António Rodrigues | Graphic design Heitor Rodrigues e João Miguel Rodrigues | Lighting and sound technician Paulo Cunha | Production teatromosca | Additional support by Câmara Municipal de Sintra
“arde sem se ver”
Directed and dramaturgy by João Miguel Rodrigues
Premiered in 2004 at Auditório Municipal António Silva
The issue of love is one of the most prolific themes that, even today, is exalted in various forms. The choice of this theme was influenced by what we believe to be the natural affinity it maintains with the adolescent life experience.
At the same time, it runs through the secondary school curriculum, to which this performance is intended. Poems by authors included in the curricular programs are staged and performed. The purpose of these poetry sessions is to awaken in young audiences the value and interest in literature as a symbolic representation of their experiences.
Inspired by Ivan Turgenev's novel “First Love” and interspersed with poems by various Portuguese authors, the performance evokes the brutal and innocent eruption of first love.
The performance was presented at the Auditório Municipal António Silva (Sintra) and Auditório Municipal Fernando Pessa (Lisbon). It was later staged again at the Teatro Taborda in November 2004.
Directed and dramaturgy by João Miguel Rodrigues | Cast Pedro Alves, Pedro Mendes and Rute Lizardo | Sound design Carlos Arroja | Photography António Rodrigues | Graphic design Heitor Rodrigues e João Miguel Rodrigues | Lighting and sound technician Paulo Cunha | Production teatromosca | Additional support by Câmara Municipal de Sintra